Thursday, February 25, 2016

10 Depraved Conspiracy Theories (That Turned Out To Be True)

1.  CIA prompted false testimony

CIA prompted false testimony
In 1990, a woman named Nayirah al-Sabah spoke on the floor of Congress and testified that she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers removing Kuwaiti babies from hospital incubators and leaving them to freeze to death. Her testimony created a public outcry against the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and helped spur the United States to invade. It was later revealed that Nayirah was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States and that her testimony was false. She even took acting classes at the behest of the CIA so she would be more believable.

2.  The FBI poisoned alcohol during Prohibition

The FBI poisoned alcohol during Prohibition
Frustrated that the consumption of alcohol wasn't going away (shocking), the FBI decided to contaminate alcohol with fatal impurities. Some of these impurities included methane, formaldehyde, and ammonia. This denatured alcohol got into the hands of bootleggers and thousands of people would die from it.

3. The CIA has a 'heart attack gun'

The CIA has a
Following the Watergate scandal, US Senator Frank Church held a committee to investigate the goings on of the US intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, and NSA). One of the things that was revealed is that the CIA possessed a gun they claimed would give someone a heart attack and leave no identifiable trace. The gun worked by firing a small poison dart (made of frozen liquid) that would penetrate clothing and skin. The poison would melt inside the target's body and cause a heart attack.

4.  Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Gulf of Tonkin Incident
In August 1964, there were two highly publicized incidents in the Gulf of Tonkin off of the coast of North Vietnam. The USS Maddox was attacked by patrols of North Vietnamese patrol boats. These incidents were used as justification to increase US military involvement in Vietnam. In 2005, it was revealed that the second incident never actually involved North Vietnamese forces. The USS Maddox seems to have been firing at nothing in particular.

5.  Operation Snow White

Operation Snow White
Unhappy with the scrutiny that it was receiving by various international governments, the Church of Scientology began Operation Snow White, which infiltrated various governments with covert agents. The Church of Scientology placed 5,000 covert agents inside of the US Government alone. The Scientologists engaged in wiretapping, espionage, destroying and confiscating government files and much more. Eventually Operation Snow White was found out and 11 high ranking members of the Church of Scientology were convicted of various espionage charges.

6.  The Business Plot

The Business Plot
The Business Plot was a conspiracy in 1934 to overthrow President Franklin Roosevelt and replace him with a fascist military leader. The plot had the backing of many Wall Street bankers, the powerful DuPont family and Prescott Bush (the father of former President George H.W. Bush and grandfather of former president George W. Bush). The conspiracy was found out when the conspirators approached retired Marine Corps General Smedley Butler about acquiring the military assistance to complete the coup. Gen. Butler immediately reported the incident. None of the conspirators were ever charged for the plot.

7.  COINTELPRO Against Activists in the 60s

COINTELPRO Against Activists in the 60s
COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert and often illegal projects conducted by the FBI to disrupt, discredit and infiltrating domestic political organizations. 85% of COINTELPRO's operations focused on "subversive" groups, many of which were deemed to have communist or socialist leanings. Among those targeted include the NAACP, Martin Luther King Jr. and various other Civil Rights leaders. The other 15% of COINTELPRO's operations focused on disrupting white supremacist groups, including the Ku Klux Klan.

8.  Operation Mockingbird

Operation Mockingbird
Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the CIA to influence the media (both domestically and abroad). This was accomplished by recruiting American journalists to present the views of the CIA to the public. The CIA also funded student and cultural organizations and influenced foreign political campaigns. Operation Mockingbird helped influence American public opinion by restricting where journalists were allowed to report.

9.  Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Tuskegee Syphilis Study
In 1932 the Public Health Service began a study where they monitored 600 poor sharecroppers (mostly black). 400 of those studied had syphilis when the study began (but were unaware of it). The participants of the study believed that they were receiving free health care from the government. Unfortunately for them, the PHS was only monitoring their condition and even actively withheld penicillin (which is used to cure syphilis) from the participants. When the study was revealed to the public in 1972, many participants had died from syphilis, along with many sexual partners who had contracted the disease. In addition several children were born with life threatening congenital syphilis.

10.  MK Ultra

MK Ultra
MK Ultra was an illegal program undertaken by the CIA to develop methods of mind control and various torture methods. The CIA used human subjects for experiments, often without their knowledge or consent. Some of these experiments included experimental chemical compounds such as LSD. Overall, the scope of the project was very broad with over 80 different institutions participating, including universities, hospital and mental institutes. When the project was outed to the American public, the director of the CIA ordered most of its documentation destroyed. So our knowledge of MK Ultra is limited. However we do know that the program has ties that include several Nazi scientists, (along with several other CIA projects).

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