The new restaurant fat traps
updated 7:12 AM EDT, Tue March 19, 2013
lean cut of steak can have the same calories as fish like tuna or salmon
-- but beware of additives like butter, oil and sauce.
- Smaller plates don't always mean fewer calories
- Ask your server how the food is prepared and with what ingredients
- Don't forget to consider portion sizes, even with artful presentations
- Not all salads are free calories; create your own with dressing on the side
( -- In our quest to eat light, we know
to pass up artery cloggers like fettuccine Alfredo in favor of leaner
picks like pasta pomodoro; we regularly order sauce on the side and
veggies instead of fries. Problem is, "everything
at a restaurant is 10 times more decadent than what you make at home,"
says Adam Roberts, author of the book "Secrets of The Best Chefs."
So even the
healthy-seeming fare can pack surprisingly high calorie counts. But that
doesn't mean you have to eat at home every night (as if!). We grilled
chefs and registered dietitians about the trends and dishes that can
doom your stay-slim efforts. Commit them to memory and you'll never
again fear a restaurant meal.
Surprise #1: Butter may be better
You feel oh-so-virtuous dipping your bread in heart-healthy olive oil, but dunking can be a waistline wrecker.
"It's still all fat and
it's calorie dense, and bread soaks it up like a sponge," says Wendy
Bazilian, author of the book "The SuperFoods RxDiet." Dip and devour two
slices and you'll be at around 380 calories or "75 to 90 percent of
what most women should have for the whole meal," notes Cynthia Sass,
author of the book "S.A.S.S! Yourself Slim." Butter is easier to keep
track of (a thumbnail-size pat is about 45 calories), but it contains
saturated fat.
Solution: Go with
heart-healthy extra-virgin olive oil, but add balsamic vinegar to cut
fat and calories and amp up the flavor, says Keri Gans, author of the
book "The Small Change Diet." Drizzle it on with a fork.
Surprise #2: Little plates don't mean little calories
When tapas made their
way from Spain to the States, they became supersized -- and, often,
super-fried: An order of patatas bravas (fried potatoes with spicy mayo)
weighs in at around 500 calories; three ham croquettes are 570. Even
lighter-seeming pesto shrimp and avocado crostini can run 640 calories
per order.
"Plus, with tapas, most
people don't feel full because they're not sitting down to an actual
meal," Gans says. "Psychologically, they don't fill you up as much."
Ditto the little plates
at Mediterranean restaurants (a caprese salad consisting of mozzarella,
tomatoes, and basil drizzled with olive oil can be 400 calories) and the
small plates at Korean restaurants (fried spring rolls and coconut
shrimp). They're all calorie bombs.
Solution: Look for the
word grilled, suggests Ori Menashe, chef-owner of Bestia in Los Angeles,
where most of the small plates on the menu feature grilled seafood.
When ordering two appetizers instead of an entrée, make sure one is
protein and one is veggies, so you feel satisfied and don't splurge on a
third (less wholesome) mini dish.
Surprise #3: Chefs are trained to make us gain
You care about calories. We care about calories. That chef in the kitchen? Not so much.
"When I'm developing a
menu, I think about what tastes good," says Missy Robbins, executive
chef at A Voce restaurants in New York. That's not to say she and other
chefs use only high-cal, flavor-adding ingredients like cream and butter
-- they also use broths and herbs. But "the default method to make food
taste better is to add more fat and salt," Roberts says.
Solution: Before
ordering, ask, "Is there cream or butter in this dish?" Don't trust the
menu description, because it rarely mentions the full prep.
Surprise #4: Veggies can be fat-fests
Steamed veggies will
never be a total disaster. (You're getting fiber and antioxidants, after
all!) Still, know this: Top chefs often finish them in a sauté pan with
a slick of butter or oil to amp up flavor, says chef Jonathan Rollo of
Greenleaf Gourmet Chopshop in Beverly Hills, California. The latest
craze with veggies and salads is to toss them with bacon or bacon
drippings ... without mentioning it on the menu.
Solution: Order
everything using the code word for un-fooled-around-with: dry. That way
you can control your calorie count. And keep in mind that vegetables
with a soft interior -- eggplant and mushrooms -- absorb more fat than
root vegetables like sweet potatoes and parsnips. Better yet, look for
"pickled vegetables" on the menu. They may pack a lot of sodium, but
they're low in fat.
Surprise #5: An artful presentation will throw off your big-portion detector
Gorgeously plated meals
may look fabulous, but they can make you underestimate how much food is
in front of you. A large serving suddenly looks teensy on a huge platter
or piled up high in a tower of calorie terror. Starters like that
Tex-Mex guilt trip known as Seven-Layer Bean Dip or desserts such as
cobbler served in a Mason jar make it hard to figure out how much you're
actually eating.
Jackie Newgent, author
of the book "1,000 Low-Calorie Recipes," had been served something in a
Mason jar enough times that she finally took a measuring cup to one.
Turns out, it holds about two cups -- at least twice as much as a
standard serving.
Solution: Use what
you've got on you to get a proper-portion check. Lean protein should be
no bigger than your smartphone; a serving of carbs should be the size of
your fist, much smaller than the average pasta entrée.
"Even if it doesn't say
so on the menu, most restaurants will do any pasta entrée as an
appetizer," Robbins says. As for anything that's served in a Mason jar,
split it.
Surprise #6: Steak isn't always a mistake
Red meat tends to get a
bad rap, but when you order a lean cut, such as a filet or sirloin, it
contains about the same calories as oily fish like tuna and salmon --
especially when you consider portion size, says Newgent. "A lot of
times, you'll be served an 8-ounce portion of salmon and a 5-ounce
portion of beef," she says. "Calorie-wise, the beef is better." Of
course, the whole equation changes when either is served with even a
little butter, oil, or sauce.
Solution: Ask the waiter
to serve yours without. Better yet, request a side order of grilled
lemon, lime, or another citrus fruit, suggests Troy Guard, chef/owner of
TAG, TAG Raw Bar, and TAG Burger Bar in Denver. "Squeeze it on top of
steak, fish, veggies -- it gives it a punch."
Surprise #7: Salads aren't free calories
You know, of course,
that cobb and Caesar salads can be fat traps. But mixed green salads can
also do damage. One with goat cheese, pears, and candied walnuts, for
instance, can set you back 500 calories.
Solution: Do as Victoria
Beckham used to do when she dined at hotspot Angelini Osteria in Los
Angeles: custom-create. "She would suggest her own salad and order it
with dressing on the side," says Menashe, the restaurant's former chef.
He and other chefs say you don't have to be an A-lister to make special
orders -- especially if you're just trying to have a healthier meal out.
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