California’s water woes primed to get worse as groundwater is drained

signs of California’s unrelenting drought are easy to spot, with
mountaintops that should be snow-peaked this time of year stained brown
and reservoirs in the heart of the state already half-empty.
the most alarming feature of the state’s water shortage remains hidden
from view, scientists say. California is running low on groundwater, the
vast pools of water stored in underground aquifers that took thousands
of years to fill up but are now being drained to irrigate farm fields
and run sink taps.
Groundwater usage has surged as the state’s
drought has dragged on, jumping to an estimated 65 percent of the fresh
water used in 2014, from under 40 percent in normal years. This year,
that number could hit 75 percent.
summer’s baking heat still to come, and with projections by NASA
scientists that water reservoirs could run dry, groundwater could
account for virtually all of California’s water by year’s end, said Jay
Famiglietti, a NASA senior water scientist who uses satellites to study
the problem.
“It’s more scary than people realize,” Famiglietti said.
Already, the state is showing signs of
groundwater exhaustion. The water table is dropping two feet a year in
parts of the thirsty, agricultural Central Valley. Even urban water
utilities have noticed declines. Wells are running dry. Farmers are
forced to dig deeper in the search for water.
And as the water is
pumped up, the ground sinks down. In some places, the pace of
subsidence could reach one inch a month for the rest of the year, said
Thomas Harter, a groundwater hydrologist with the University of
California at Davis. That could end up further damaging infrastructure,
such as the state’s vital network of water canals.
The state’s
water woes have been compounded by the four-year drought. The state’s
reservoir system should be able to supply the vast majority of
California’s water needs, if there is enough rain and snow. But with
scarce precipitation, reservoirs are running short. That’s led to a
heavier reliance on groundwater, said Famiglietti. He compared the
state’s water system to different types of bank accounts.
can be refilled with runoff and downpours, like a checking account. But
recharging underground aquifers — considered a savings account — is
much more difficult.
“It’s the groundwater that is the really big, important account,” Famiglietti said.
current predicament has been exacerbated by decades of allowing
groundwater usage to be essentially unmanaged — a case of “out of sight,
out of mind.” Regulations were few. Almost anyone could drill down and
tap into a stressed aquifer.
Last year, state lawmakers passed
California’s first extensive groundwater regulation, allowing for the
creation of local boards to oversee how the water is used. But it could
be two decades before the new law takes full effect.
The Central Valley has experienced the worst effects of the
groundwater problem. The aquifer tucked beneath farm fields stretches
for 400 miles, making it the state’s largest water reservoir. Today,
more than 100,000 wells have stuck straws into the reservoir. More than
15 percent of all the groundwater pumped in the United States comes from
this one resource, said Claudia Faunt, a hydrologist with the U.S.
Geological Survey.
Faunt has seen how water use has changed in
the Central Valley. Farmers have planted more water-intensive,
high-profit crops, with pistachios and almonds needing extensive
watering. At the same time, housing developments have encroached on arid
farm fields. Underground reservoirs are no longer an emergency
“They’re pumping groundwater even in years when there is no drought,” Faunt said.
The result, Harter said, is that the state’s groundwater reached historic lows last year.
“With little recharge, many areas are currently at the lowest recorded levels ever,” Harter said. “It’s worrisome.”
California’s water shortage has hit Andy’s Orchard, a 60-acre spread of cherry, apricot and peach trees outside San Jose. For
years, the orchard used surface water drawn from the San Luis Reservoir
to water its trees. Last summer, water officials closed the tap as
farmers across the state saw their water allotments slashed.
Andy Mariani was left scrambling. He finally struck a deal with a
neighboring farmer who pumped from a groundwater well. Since then,
Mariani has been buying water from his neighbor.
He’d prefer to be using reservoir water. But he’ll take what he can get.
Mariani learned his neighbor would be planting peppers soon. He could
supply Andy’s Orchard with groundwater for only two more weeks.
“We don’t know where the next drop of water is coming from,” Mariani said.
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