Teacher fired over ex-husband’s ‘threatening and menacing’ behavior
An elementary school teacher fired by a private San Diego-area school
following a domestic violence incident involving her ex-husband is
speaking out about her ordeal. Carie Charlesworth, who taught second grade at Holy Trinity School in El Cajon, Calif., told the San Diego NBC affiliate that the incident with her ex-husband occurred back in January.
“Basically, we’d had a very bad weekend with him," Charlesworth, a
mother of four, said. “We'd called the Sheriff’s Department three times
on [that] Sunday."
The following morning, Charlesworth said, she informed the school of
the incident and told the principal to be on the lookout for her
ex-husband. When he was spotted in the parking lot, the school went into
lockdown. Charlesworth was put on indefinite leave, and her children, who also attended Holy Trinity, were removed by the school.
"At this time, Mrs. Charlesworth and her children are on an
indefinite leave of absence," Francie Wright, Holy Trinity's principal, wrote in a letter to parents on Jan. 29. "We request that you keep them in your prayers."
“It felt like the kids and I were being punished for something we didn’t even do,” Charlesworth told NBC 7.
Her ex-husband was subsequently sent to prison, but in April, the school fired her anyway. The Diocese of San Diego wrote in a letter to Charlesworth that it was concerned about her ex-husband's "threatening and menacing behavior."
The letter noted, "We feel deeply for you and about the situation in
which you and your children find yourselves through no fault of your
own. Although we understand he is currently incarcerated, we have no way
of knowing how long or short a time he will actually serve and we
understand from court files that he may be released as early as next
fall. In the interest of the safety of the students, faculty and parents
at Holy Trinity School, we simply cannot allow you to return to work
there, or, unfortunately, at any other school in the Diocese."
Kenneth Hoyt, Charlesworth's attorney, said she intends to sue.
"They’ve taken away my ability to care for my kids,” Charlesworth
said. “It’s not like I can go out and find a teaching job anywhere.”
Not surprisingly, advocates for domestic violence victims are outraged.
"We have 1 in 3 women in the United States who are victims of
domestic violence," Heather Finlay, chief executive of YWCA San Diego,
told NBC 7. "Firing all of them is not the answer."
Blogger's Note : Is this the same Catholic Church that encourages women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term; that tells us they will step forward to help? This is a woman who did everything she was supposed to do. This is a woman that they know, a woman they hired, for a position of trust and honor - and this is how she is treated (how her children are treated) at the very moment they most need the community's support? If we had a hierarchy in the Catholic Church that understood the meaning of "c-h-u-r-c-h", they would fire everyone who was part of this decision. But no matter, I think her attorney and the ACLU will help bring that about. There should be a federal law that protects victims of violence from this sort of retaliation by their employers, particularly large employers.
1 comment:
Agreed. I would go farther and say the problem is that this "church" is its male, celibate hierarchy. If the learning community of the school were allowed to discuss this issue and reach a consensus on how to proceed, I would be willing to bet that compassion would have ruled the day, and everyone would have come out wiser in the fullest sense of the word. A St. Francis here, a Pope John XXIII there doesn't change the dynamic that "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely," even in a "Christian" context. Corruption doesn't have to mean stealing money, here it should mean not living catholic (that is, literally, "according to the whole").
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