'Resistant' Starches Heal the Colon, Prevent Cancer & Diabetes
By Christopher Wanjek, LiveScience's Bad Medicine Columnist | LiveScience.com
The Borg had it wrong. Resistance is not futile. In fact, it can stave off colon cancer and ease inflammatory bowel disease and other digestion problems. The resistance, in this case, comes in the form of so-called resistant starches,
certain kinds of carbohydrates that resist digestion in the small
intestine and enter into the large intestine, or colon, mostly in the
same form they entered your mouth.
These starches — found in seed hulls, parts of corn and beans, and in
room-temperature rice and pasta — can ferment in the colon to promote
the growth of "good" bacteria and have many other beneficial effects.
Researchers at the University of Colorado Denver summarize these
benefits in a review paper in the current issue of the journal Current
Opinion in Gastroenterology. The review includes the researchers' own
findings concerning resistant starch and weight control. [The Scoop on 7 Perfect Survival Foods]
Starch vs. fiber
The word "starch"
often is confused with fiber. Both are complex carbohydrates, and both
are important for good health. But starch, for the most part, is highly
digestible; and fiber is not. Starches are found in root vegetables,
tubers, winter squashes, grains and legumes. Your body starts digesting
these starches from the moment you start chewing, extracting nutrients
and energy.
Fiber is more like the natural packaging for fruits and vegetables,
such as the skin or the rigid cellular walls of plants. The human body does not absorb nutrients or energy from them. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, making food more viscous, slowing digestion, and prolonging the feeling of fullness. Insoluble fiber absorbs water and promotes regular and firm bowel movements.
Resistant starch has properties of both soluble and insoluble fiber, said Janine Higgins,
lead author on the review paper and associate professor of Pediatrics
at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. There are five
different forms of resistant starch, she said, and each kind reaches the
colon largely unscathed to do its handiwork.
Cures what ails you
Resistant starch might sound like some kind of miracle cure-all, but
independent studies have found this substance, more so than ordinary
dietary fiber, can help: kill precancerous polyps in the colon; prevent
diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and regulating blood sugar;
maintain healthy body weight; reduce inflammation; prevent or treat
inflammatory bowel disease; and help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. In 2010, scientists at Virginia Polytechnic and State University reported that resistant starch might also protect against breast cancer. So, how can a bit of indigestible starch do all this?
"Resistant starch is a very good substrate for fermentation," Higgins
told Live Science. "Instead of being digested by amylases in the upper
digestive tract, it passes to the bowel, where it is fermented by
bacteria into short chain fatty acids (SCFA). SCFA are acidic, so they
lower bowel pH, which facilitates proliferation of good bugs and
inhibits growth of pathogenic bacteria. All of this extra fermentation
and availability of SCFA provides fuel or energy for the colonocytes
[cells lining the colon], which are a barrier against infection."
"Therefore, the lining of the bowel thickens and becomes healthier, and
more good bugs colonize and thrive," Higgins added. "In this way,
resistant starch acts as a probiotic.
Resistant starch also has some of the properties of insoluble fiber, so
it increases stool bulk and decreases transit time, both of which are
indicators of bowel health."
Also, butyrate, a type of SCFA, seems to be involved in the prevention of bowel cancer, Higgins said.
Most high-fiber, vegetable-based diets will be rich in resistant
starches, but some extra care is needed to get them into your diet. For
example, pasta and rice have resistant starch, but only at room
temperature. So, pasta salad and sushi are better sources of resistant
starch. Whole grains, peas, and beans have a form of resistant starch
that maintains its structure even when hot, though. Green banana flour is another source of resistant starch, and it is gluten free.
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